A self-supported trip created by
Trip Overview

Little Narragansett Bay is a fun and easy location for a day's paddling. You can either launch from Barn Island (see directions below) or from the Stonington Town dock.
From Barn Island, it is an easy 1 - 1.5 mi. paddle to Sandy Point, a narrow island that is a wildlife refuge. Sandy Point is private, but beaching is allowed with the caveat that if you happen to run into one of the roaming stewards, you will be asked to pay a $5 fee (or you can join for an annual fee). The island has many gulls and other seabirds, many of which nest there. At the right time of year, you will see gull chicks running around with their parents - quite an entertaining site! You may also find horseshoe crabs mating on the northern beach.
On the northern (seaward) side of Sandy Point there is a sandbar. The surf breaks over this bar and it can be fun to surf the waves there. From Sandy Point, you can travel eastward around Napatree Point, R.I. and beach there if you like. Note that the waters can be rough rounding Napatree point so use caution. Traveling westward, you can round Stoningtin Point and enter Stoningtin Harbor, home of the last commercial fishing fleet in Connecticut.
Barn Island is a popular power boat launch but there is a designated kayak launch area to the right of the ramp. Use this area so as not to interfere with the power boaters.
There is a narrow channel marked by green buoys north of Sandy Point which you must cross to get to the island. Use caution and patience when crossing, waiting for any boaters in the channel. The channel is narrow and once across the water is shallow.
PortaPotty at Barn Island
I-95 to exit 91 in Stonnington. At the end of the exit ramp, continue straight across on to Rt 234 E. (the road in front of the ramp).
Take your 3rd right (.4 m) on to Farmholme Rd. and continue until you hit Rt 1.
Take a rt. and a left at the light.
Take your first immediate rt. (launch sign) off that to the Barn Island Launch.
Trip Details
Trip Duration:
Day Trip
Skill Level:
Water Type:
Open Water/Ocean