Henry Fork River Park to Jacob Fork Park

by  guest-paddler

A self-supported trip created by guest-paddler

Trip Overview

Two of us put in at Henry Fork River Park a couple days after a good rain. We finished the kayak at Jacob Fork Park after about 4.5 hours on the river.


Two days before the trip we had a good rain that helped raise the river water level. Even still we had to walk the kayaks through shallow parts a couple times.

Portage Notes

About 3/4 of the way through the trip there is a large pipe across river at water level. The right side of the river is deep, you want to portage on the left side.

When you get out of the river at Jacob Fork Park there is a lot of debris blocking you from getting to the portage access. Exit on the right side of the river before the debris.

Trip Details

  • Trip Dates: 5/21/2024
  • Sport/Activity: Kayaking
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Water Type: River/Creek (Up to Class II)
  • Number of Portages: 1

Trip Location