commando beach/Richmond walk

A self-supported trip created by onlysme4969

Trip Overview

peer paddles and solo paddles waters are generally calm in plymouth South but can get a bit knarly out around penlee point all depends on weather..

Safety Notes

head wear a must if going in around the rocks. a good self rescue is good to have. something to eat and drink..

Gear Notes

spare paddle. warm clothes. food and drink. helmet. hat. paddle float.tow/throw line.


generally calm but can pick up so bigger waves.

Portage Notes

although I put 0 portage, you can stop at certain places on route

Trip Details

  • Trip Dates: 4/14/2022-1/1/2024
  • Sport/Activity: Kayaking
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Water Type: Open Water/Ocean, Rock Gardens

Trip Location