My wife usually paddles a dura-tech, but recently got to try an Ace-Tech. This is a significant improvement over the dura-tech. It is much lighter and feels more stable. this combination makes it much more maneuverable and she is much more confident on it. She will often paddle with one of our daughters on it with her, so the additional stability is improtant. It also has a larger foam padded area If you are thinking about buying a dura-tech, i recommend seriously considering the Ace-Tech. You will quickly out grow the Dura-Tech and wish you have the higher performance Ace-Tech. Save yourself the trouble and expense of buying a new board so soon after getting your first one...
Light, stable, large padded area
My wife sometimes does Sup Yoga, for that one of the larger version might be a good idea.
Recreational, SUP Yoga, Family fun