
Name: cragar

Most Recent Reviews

I wanted a boat that would give me the flexibility to go solo/fast & share my time w/ my wife & kids. My salesman was right and I've tried other boats since - singles and open tandems - none offfered the speed and/or flexibility(incl some sim length singles). Of course it is not a single, but neither am I. I have paddled lakes, rivers, Mexican coast and a section of the Colorado; camped, fished, sped along & floated; solo & accompanied by as many as two kids and a dog. Hard to imagine a better compromise. My wife loves it, as do my young girls. Most telling recommendation? I have three friends who insist they are at the top of the list IF I ever want to sell. BTW - I prefer carrying it overhead, like a canoe and rack it cockpit down via gunwale brackets.

I'm glad I rented before buying. I'll stick to my Wilderness Sytems Pamlico - an open cockpit tandem. Despite being heavier and wider, it's a whole lot faster and tracks better. I had the itch to go to a narrower single - I'm still looking.