
Name: Thankful

Most Recent Reviews

Anyone racing kayaks for any length of time knows Bushnell's name and the success of his boats. The Missile is the longest of his "training" boats in xpar family. The length can be a blessing with its extended water line and ability to "plane" in shallow water. It can also lead to an occasional ding with handling if not paying very close attention to your surroundings. Cutting across a strong current suddenly will also send the inexperienced into swim mode. Fast, light(kevlar), wake-free boat for the unlimited class. You can't go wrong with a West Side Boat Shop product.

I received the hybrid as a Christmas gift. Yes, my wife really loves me. Great paddle. Little-to-no learning curve. A buddy used it in the middle of an 18 mile paddle and instantly fell in love with it. He bought one shortly afterwards. Great catch with no flutter, so no loss of energy. Every stroke counts. A must have for racing or that unstable boat.