Lovin' my Mango Hurricane! I didn't want an 80 pound barge to paddle and fish from. I wanted to self load on my roof wherever I ended up. Couldn't find this yak in Kalifornia anymore. Amazon carries them! Amazing... they carry everything I think. Appomattox River Company was the seller so I went to there site. They had a clearance sale on the Mango 140 Skimmer I wanted. Less than a week later the cargo truck delivers from Virginia. Been in love ever since.
Looks terrific! Paddles great, smooth and fast. Tracks great too. Seat is very comfortable for several hours. I don't get wet unless I want to.
52 pounds. Loads dang easy. I can lift it over my head at age 59. Sweet deal.
Just started fishing with it and am slowly adding a few options for that.
Take a look and see what you think.