
Name: paddler186208

Most Recent Reviews

The boat is 24.5" wide, with a 32.5" X 16.5" cockpit. It weighs in at 38 lbs. It was designed for women, but works for anyone. It's especially good for anyone who doesn't want a wide boat. I got one of these to replace a kid's boat as my pre-teen needed to size up. Since we put 4 boats on top of a Honda CR-V, weight is a big deal. Out of the 4 boats we have, this is my favorite. I love the width, the weight, the stability. My son & I take turns with it as it is a favorite of both of us. If I could find another with as big a markdown as the one I got, I'd get rid of one of our other boats in a heartbeat.

I recommend it to anyone I know who is thinking of buying a kayak.