The Canoe-Over-Canoe Rescue

The canoe-over-canoe rescue involves having a rescue boat that can empty the capsized canoe, flip it upright, and then support it while the swimmers climb back in.


As the rescuer, the first thing you'll do is position your boat perpendicular to the overturned canoe and have the swimmer(s) grab an end of your boat. You'll then grab and lift the end of the overturned canoe and pull it onto and across your gunnel. Keep pulling the boat across your gunnels until you've drained all of the water.

You'll then flip the empty boat upright and away from you and slide it back into the water alongside your canoe.

Re-entry Support 

To help a swimmer get back into their canoe, hold onto the closest gunnel and stabilize the boat while they climb back in on the far side.

Swimmer Re-entry Method 

Grab the gunnel with both hands slightly more than shoulder width apart and let your legs float to the surface behind you. With a powerful kick of the legs and a pullup of the arms, haul your chest up onto the canoe. Keep your center of gravity as low as possible as you wiggle back into the canoe and get into your sitting position. 

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