How to Carry & Load a Kayak

When you're lifting to carry the kayak, take the toggle, but lift from the kayak. The toggle is security so that the kayak doesn't slip out of your hands. Lift with a straight back and then we'll just take the boat down to the water's edge.

As an alternative if you're carrying any distance, it's a good idea to use a little trolley, like this. A set of wheels underneath makes carrying very, very easy. And you only really need one. You can carry several kayaks down to the water's edge, one by one, using wheels, and you can carry your gear in it as well at the same time, that's a lot of weight to carry.

We're going to load this kayak onto the car. And one or two key points for keeping your body in shape, so that you don't put your back out or something. When you're lifting, bend your knees and pick up with a straight back. When we're loading onto the car, try to keep within your box, keep your elbows in and lift.

It's nicely positioned on there. I'll lift the straps over. When you're tying the straps on, you need to lock it to the roof rack rather than to the ends of it, so that the kayak can't slide off the end.


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