How to Canoe with your Dog

Hi, I'm Denny Lange, and this is Suwanee. Today we're going to talk about canoeing with your dog. One of my favorite things about canoeing is being able to take her along with me. But when I do, there are a few things I need to keep in mind.

Weight Shift 

One of the first things to remember is your dog is going to move about the canoe. Larger dogs are going to upset the canoe as they move around, so be prepared for that shift in weight.

Water Awareness Another thing is a lot of dogs enjoy the water, and this means they may want to jump out. Be aware of where you are. If the dog jumps out, are there obstructions that it can get entangled in? If you're on a river, are there sweepers, logjams?

Canine Flotation Device 

We need to make sure we keep our dog safe. And one of the best way to keep our dog safe is to get what's known as a canine flotation device. Most of them come with a handy handle right on the back. So if the dog's in the water, you can easily scoop them out and get them back into safety.

So these are just a few things to consider when taking your dog out on the water.

Thanks for watching, and paddle well. 

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