Venture Easky 17 LV

Venture Easky 17 LV Description

The Venture Easky 17 LV is a kayak brought to you by P&H Sea Kayaks. Read Venture Easky 17 LV reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

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Venture Easky 17 LV Reviews

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Regarding the Easky 17LV …

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 3/6/2024

Regarding the Easky 17LV

This was my first long-boat, but I tried out half a dozen different ones before settling on this one. None of them had the combination of features and characteristics this one does, in my opinion.

I was coming from a Wilderness Systems Pungo 120... extremely stable, ridiculously roomy and comfortable, and really nice tracking for a relatively short boat. I needed the comfort above all else, as I have seven inches of metal and plastic in my low back, stability second, and ease of egress third. With that back problem I can't roll the boat, so I have to "eject" (as my combat fighter pilot father put it) and reenter a righted boat. Generally I have to use a paddle-float reentry method of some sort, and this boat is absolutely ideal for that.


-Stability- Hard chines has this boat doing wonderful things for my range and stamina. Edging results in really nice long-radius turns with minimal effort, while very aggressive edging brings MUCH sharper turns and puts this boat's secondary stability on magnificent display! With a cockpit skirt in place, lay this boat on it's side with a little speed on, and wing that paddle way out to the side of you... you will get some VERY impressive high-angle edging and wave riding. On a down-wind run, drop the skeg all the way out and "paddle-sail" to your heart's content... the primary stability will allow you to just enjoy the ride with very minimal effort. For rougher conditions, expect steady and predictable reactions to waves of any size from any angle. With my touring deck-load it is still very comfortable and easy to handle. I often take my radio-controlled tugboat out for the fun of it, and when the battery runs out it has to ride home on my aft deck. It weighs thirty pounds and sticks up nearly two feet... stability does take a bit of a hit with that much weight up that high, but it is still very sufficient for the task.

-Tracking- I dislike having to constantly fight a boat to keep it going the direction I point it... this boat does not have that problem until the wind gets quite strong. Until the skeg wore out, I could easily "trim" it for almost any wind conditions and direction. Touring with a deck load was a bit more challenging, but it was doable. When the skeg wore out I converted to a homemade rudder system. The bilge strakes, hard chines, and hard stem and stern give this boat the kind of tracking my wife and daughter both envy. Even without the skeg or rudder, it did well, although it was a handful with a touring deck-load. I built a rudder system in it that does very well, and the boat was already molded for a rudder system.

-Cargo/touring- Impressive. Simply amazing what can be packed into this boat. My daughter and I have been training for an 80+ mile trip for the last two years (she's 11 years old now, in her own 17 foot boat) and this boat is simply amazing! I have packed 9 days worth of food, clothes, water, and gear (including a folding beach chair!) INSIDE the boat! My back requires me to carry some extra comforts, so my deck bags hold an over-sized sleeping bag and pillows. It took some planning, but you can very comfortably and easily carry a weeks kit with no problems. The boat handles the weight beautifully... I scaled it at 386lbs (with me in it at 200lbs). With a dry weight of 67lbs, that's an impressive load... and it was all but un-noticeable. Obviously the behavior in waves was heavier, with more water on deck than otherwise, but speed, handling, and stability were almost unchanged. The fine bow and stern cuts the water and waves like nothing has changed. Glide-to-stroke is mildly reduced. Hull flexing can be felt, but I have been in waves I can't see over the top of and I was not concerned... it's a plastic boat... they flex.


-Skeg- Although it worked well until it wore out, its control-ability leaves something to be desired. Yes it can be 'trimmed" for almost any weather or wind angle. Yes it has fantastic results for down-wind runs. No... it's not convenient or easy to do any of that with. The cleat is behind you, outside peripheral vision, and seldom is the line end where you left it last. The cleat tends to let the line slip no matter how hard you wedge it in there. You're constantly fidgeting with it to get the right trim. And God forbid you get sand in the pocket! The shock-cord "spring loading" extension is ridiculous if you have even the smallest bit of sand or grit in there. I've personally seen the skudder system having exactly the same problems... any grit at all and you cannot get the silly thing out. Mine finally wore out, so I removed it and built a rudder system. The skeg pocket was a pain too... when it left (I blanked over the pocket and cut it out) I got even more cargo capacity into my rear compartment.

-Day box- Love the box... great spot for all the little bitty gear one always wants along, but can never find in the dry bags... but was it too much to ask for it to be watertight, like the other two compartments on this boat? I really feel like this was a serious oversight in the design of these boats. Future project maybe... for now just make sure you waterproof everything.

-Original footpegs- As a locked footpeg, they weren't bad. As an unlocked, sliding rudder peg... they were AWEFUL!!! Completely unworkable, had to be replaced. Surprisingly, Amazon had a set that both fit the original bolt holes AND work amazingly well. Minor issue, but one that was important in the end.

I absolutely love this boat. I'm 50 years old. I expect it will last me the rest of my life, and probably well into my daughter's too. Well built, well designed (for the most part), with impressive capabilities.