Royalex Bell Wildfire/Yellowstone Solo Canoe

Condition: Used

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This is a classic David Yost design produced by Bell which is very maneuverable especially in fast moving water. This is a fun boat to use on rivers but also works well on lakes. Even though the boat is labeled a Wildfire, the royalex version was relabeled the Yellowstone. The overall length is 14 foot and max width of 30 inches and due to the royalex material it has a blunter bow. It still has the lots of flare above the waterline which is characteristic of Yost designed shouldered boats. There are 2.5” of rocker in the bow and 1.5” in the stern so it tracks better. Wildfire is a great companion for those solo paddlers that love river and lake trips. Royalex is no longer available, but it is a very rugged material that easily slides over river rocks and is easily repaired when subjected to sharp rocks. This wildfire/Yellowstone was produced in 2002 and is in very good condition with only a few nicks in the royalex which is seen in one picture. The seat caining has a weak spot measuring 1"x1/4" area where the caining is deteriorating. A new Bell seat can be acquired through Eds Canoe website. Today royalex is no longer available, but it was the material of choice for all whitewater boats.

This Wildfire/Yellowstone is ready for class I and II whitewater. There are small holes drilled just under the gunnel in both the bow and stern sections as seen in one of the photos which allows cord to be woven across the bow and stern so float bags can be installed for whitewater use. It also has glued in “D” rings for float bag or thigh strap attachment. (thigh straps are not included) The boat weights about 50lbs and has maintenance free vinyl gunnels

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