Current Designs Squamish sea kayak - lime

Condition: Used

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  • View from the stern

    View from the stern

  • Foredeck


  • Foredeck storage compartment hatch

    Foredeck storage compartment hatch

  • Cockpit


  • Cockpit looking forward

    Cockpit looking forward

  • Stern storage compartment hatch

    Stern storage compartment hatch

  • Hull at stern of kayak

    Hull at stern of kayak

  • Skeg



2014 Current Designs sea kayak, purchased new in 2020. This kayak has been paddled about 5 times since purchase and has been stored inside in a temperature and humidity controlled room. Except for the black tape that is used as an aesthetic trim where a seam line would be on a fiberglass kayak, this kayak is in excellent condition.

Approximate Location

Location is approximate

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