Wayside park to Greenhill Park

by  paddler847842

A self-supported trip created by paddler847842

Trip Overview

Great section to paddle. Wildlife, scenic views, not crowded. Water level is low in late summer, however. The section has less trash and fewer people then further down stream through Roanoke. Some areas suitable for fishing but trout are stocked mostly further downstream (and can’t handle the summer warm water temps). Watch out for anglers on the riverbank, as they can cast all the way across the river here (due to its width), so you don’t get fouled in their lines.

Safety Notes

Watch out for fallen trees/strainers. Also, there are two rapids with 2 foot drops (don’t let them surprise you). Don’t choose a channel around a gravel bar or Island unless you can see through to the other end (or you scout ahead first - there are some strainers).

Gear Notes

Typical paddling gear. Take snacks and water with you. There’s nowhere to stop for these along the way.


Flow was 150 CFS/2.5 feet in early August (lower flow conditions, late summer). Ideal conditions are probably 200 CFS/3.0 feet.

Portage Notes

It was late summer (lower flow conditions), so some shallow areas extended across the entire river with, and we had to drag boats 30-40 through these areas.

Trip Details

  • Trip Dates: 8/9/2020
  • Sport/Activity: Kayaking, Canoeing
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Water Type: River/Creek (Up to Class II), Rock Gardens
  • Number of Portages: 3

Trip Location