
Name: SeaIbex

Most Recent Reviews

My kayaking experience is restricted to sea kayaks, previously to North American touring style and British style kayaks, and primarily to the currents, swells, winds, and seasons of the Long Island Sound. After trying out a couple of different models with hard chines, I purchased a CD Prana (Kevlar/aramid). I have been out with the Prana ever since, and in a variety of water and weather conditions. There is much to love about this kayak, and I’m enjoying every hour I spend in it. Rather than repeat what others have posted in previous reviews, let me offer just a few additional observations. (1) The Prana has a 21” beam, and at about 5’ 10” and 175 lbs., I feel quite comfortable in the cockpit. It fits well at the hips, and for me the placement for the thigh pads is perfect. Overall, the cockpit is roomier than I expected. It has great secondary stability, and edges well. I especially like the deep tapered sides on the deck by the fore day-hatch; its design allows the paddler to plant the paddle (in my case, a Greenland paddle) closely without accidently bumping the deck. (2) Speaking of paddles… There is a paddle grove for the paddle shaft, a “paddle hold” on the deck, right behind the cockpit. It’s handy for securing the paddle as an outrigger to enter and to exit. This paddle hold reminds me of the one I have seen on the Finnish designed Beaufort (by Skim). (3) The hatches are dry! I read in earlier reports that some of the hatches on the Prana leaked. I attempted to inundate the sealed hatches in every way I knew, but at the end of the day, every hatch was dry (my Prana is a 2020 model). I called Current Designs to compare my results, and they said that they had been aware of the earlier issue. They had significantly modified the way in which they bond the hatches onto the boat in the newer models. Tight seal, no leaks. Granted, I did not test this kayak in frigid temperatures, so the contraction of the materials might vary these results, but so far, so good. I do plan to take this boat out in the winter, and if there are any significant updates, I will post them then.