
Name: paddler777360

Most Recent Reviews

I am 5'10" tall and was 170 lbs when i started my solo trip paddling a current design extreme from Skagway Alaska to Port Hardy on Northern Vancouver island in 2008. I had just completed the Yukon River Quest race the week before and my blisters on my hands and backside hadn't healed when I put in at 7 pm on July 4th . There were a few cruise ships departing at the exact same time and as they each sailed past there were camera flashes coming from every deck . I felt like a celebrity until they disappeared . Being Independence Day they were celebrating with a huge fireworks display just as i arrived at Haines . As i sat in my kayak enjoying the show I remember thinking what an action packed day this has been and it's just the 1st day of what turned out to be a 30 day trip. I don't think I would have been able to pull it off in that amount of time in any other boat that i had paddled . When the boat was up to speed the effort to maintain it was minimal and knowing that I could achieve my daily goals gave me confidence and peace of mind . The level of comfort and accessibility allowed me to paddle for long hours at a time without having to get out of the boat and that attributed to the mileage that I was able to obtain . When you find a boat that gives you a sense of being "one with the boat " you will truly know it and your paddling days will be far more enjoyable .