
Name: airborneshodan

Most Recent Reviews

I have owned this kayak for 18 years. I purchased when I was in the military and needed a boat that would be shipped in household goods. I have taken this kayak to it's performance limits. Class III whitewater and three foot open water waves. It does not track well in open water / wind and is slow compared to other kayaks, which is compensated somewhat by having two paddlers on board to keep up. It is very stable - never tipped over. It is super comfortable, love lounging on the water watching other kayakers suffer.

The kayak is super tough - no punctures despite heavy use in rock beach landings. My first failure came last weekend when the inner valve flap on the starboard chamber started leaking air. I consider this normal wear and tear for a small rubber flap. I expect the yak to be back up to normal once I install the replacement valve.

I recommend this for any one that has a need for a kayak that can be transported in a small car, stored in an apartment or transported worldwide. I do not recommend this for paddling on unprotected waters.