
Name: smarks71

Most Recent Reviews

I purchased this boat a while ago, because I wanted to get out on the water and have some fun. I am 48 years old, and I have enjoyed canoes and rafts in the past.

I do wish to day that inflating the Paddleski 395 PS is not as easy as it appears. I was using the foot pump and it took a good 10 to 15 minutes; therefore, my legs got a good workout. When I stopped pumping and attempted to close the valve, I lost a bit of air and felt that I needed to pump it up again. I guess it takes getting used to with that valve. Unfortunately, it was approximately 92 degrees outside during this prep time, and I was feeling the heat.

Once out on the water, it was a lot of fun. I paddled to the middle of a large lake and allowed myself to drift with the wind while I relaxed in the sun. I got a good workout with the paddling, because the Paddleski 395 PS does not track very well. I was constantly having to make corrections to the direction of the boat.

I think that the Paddleski 395 PS is a good boat for quiet water activities, and possibly even a quiet river where the current is taking you down stream; however, I would not recommend it for group activity where you needed to stay with other boats. Possibly it would be better with two people paddling.

Good points: fun to use; stable; easy to deflate and pack away.
Bad points: doesn't track well; uses a lot of energy to inflate with the foot pump--I would recommend an electrical pump; not a boat built for speed.