
Name: paddlehamster

Most Recent Reviews

I've owned my TideRace Xtra for over 3 years now and am continually impressed with the way it handles, overall features, and construction quality. I purchased it new, when I was looking for a play boat specifically for rough water where stability in those conditions and maneuverability were essential. Not only has it never disappointed, but it continues to bring a smile to my face.

Depending on mood (as much as anything else) I use both "Euro" and Greenland paddles, and the Xtra responds equally well. Turning is effortless, like having power steering, even if I don't edge. When edging, it's extremely stable and feels like a sports car. Secondary stability is rock solid!

While not the fastest hull, it's more than adequate. With so much rocker, one can't expect it to be a speedster. As hoped for, in rough conditions it really shows the intent of the designer.

My only "complaint," one which isn't unique to the Xtra, is the deck lines when new are too tight to be functional. Yeah, they look really nice in photos and in the store, but.... So the first thing I did was cut them off and replace them with slightly larger diameter and enough slack to easily grab when wearing cold water paddle gloves. I wish TideRace would (at least) leave enough extra line so replacement wouldn't be needed.

As an instructor, I've found the Xtra's ease in turning and pivoting to be a big asset when teaching. I've never regretted my purchase, and I can't see ever wanting to part with it!