429 Too Many Requests

Portage Trailer Reviews - Jimco Inc | Buyers' Guide | Paddling.com 429 Too Many Requests

429 Too Many Requests


Portage Trailer

by  Jimco Inc

Portage Trailer Description

The Portage Trailer is a accessory brought to you by Jimco Inc. Read Portage Trailer reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other accessory recommendations below or explore all accessories to find the perfect one for you!

Jimco Inc
Portage Trailer Reviews

Read reviews for the Portage Trailer by Jimco Inc as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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"They are having financial…

Submitted by: paddler230333 on 8/21/2003
"They are having financial difficulty now and are not sure when they will be back in business." Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I've been waiting for a response to a request for some replacement parts (I really must learn to tighten everything down periodically!) and was wondering why I hadn't heard. These are really good people and if there's anything I can do, I'd be glad to help.

After leaving a couple of…

Submitted by: KathyWilliams on 4/16/2003
After leaving a couple of messages, I received a call back. They are having financial difficulty now and are not sure when they will be back in business.

After 2 phone calls and one…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 4/15/2003
After 2 phone calls and one e-mail I have yet to hear from anyone regarding my purchase of a tandem portage trailer. Apparently, they do not wish to sell trailers.

Well, as of March 8th I was…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 3/13/2003
Well, as of March 8th I was ready to purchase a Tandem Portage Trailer; however, this was not to be. After trying to call for two days, I finally left my number and asked someone to call me at home. When I did get the phone call on March 10th, it was to tell me that the trailers will not be available for serveral months if at all. Seemed like a good trailer but I won't have the privilege of owning one. I certainly hope someone else will develop and market a decent kayak trailer for those of us who don't want a converted bike or boat trailer or a trailer that out weighs the two kayaks being carried by a hundred and fifty pounds.

With 4 kayaks and a canoe, I…

Submitted by: Joe_P on 9/20/2002
With 4 kayaks and a canoe, I needed a better solution than creatively arranging them on an Explorer. After reviewing my options, I decided on getting a trailer. After much research, I settled on a Jimco Tandem Portage Trailer. I wanted to be able to easily load up my boats, solve storage problems & "multi" portage long distances on rough trails. The Jimco trailer exceeded my expectations. It loaded in minutes and tracked well at high speeds, dispite it's very light weight. I keep the kayaks on the trailer and just roll the whole thing into the garage (I used to stack them all over the garage). As for the portaging - my son and I just used the trailer to portage 2 kayaks about 1 1/2 miles along a steep and rocky trail. It wasn't a magic carpet, but it worked, allowing us to kayak a mountain top lake we could only dream about before. All in all, the Tandem Portage Trailer is very well designed and constructed. I expect to use it for many years to come.

I have now logged over 10,000…

Submitted by: kayak on 9/4/2002
I have now logged over 10,000 miles on the trailer. I live in Orlando and this includes trips all over FL., Ozark rivers in MO., Buffalo river in AK., whitewater trips in NC. The majority of the miles are highway at 65 -75 mph and I have no problem getting through the Atlanta mess at rush hour with the trailer. I have also used it on forest roads (washed out, sandy, bumpy). I am extremely pleased with the trailer. Also with Jim Martin of Jimco Mfg. He is always available to take a phone call or calls back.

The problem that I had early on was the fenders kept blowing off and I would call Jim and we would discuss. He made two modifications. The first one helped but did not solve the problem and I told him to forget the fenders. The trailer does not need them but a couple of weeks later he called me and said he was sending me another set to try out. I have put about 2,500 miles on the trailer with the new fenders and they work fine. Jim is always working to improve his line of trailers.

I have several boats. I have carried a 17' sea kayak, 14' solo canoe, 13' whitewater canoe, 10' whitewater inflatable. I have also used it as a shuttle vehicle and carried four boats, it will carry three canoes easily and many combinations. I have mounted a large plastic box on the bed that I carry paddling gear.

As for bouncing around - no this is not a problem. The trailer handles the same with one boat on the side or one on each side. On my trip to AR. I brought up one canoe and one of the other paddlers had a problem with his Mohawk canoe so I brought it back to Orlando for him (their factory is outside Orlando).

As far as other trailers. I researched every other light boat trailer on the market. Reviewed web sites, read msg boards and the trailers that I had some interest in I called and talked to the Mfg. The only one that came close was a bike trailer sold in Calif. that is modified for carrying kayaks.

I believe that Jimco has a bike mount for the trailer. I do not bike so not positive.


I have been using the JIMCO…

Submitted by: paddler229844 on 7/29/2002
I have been using the JIMCO Portage Trailer Tandem to transport, portage and store 2 kayaks for about four weeks now with exceptional results. Before I get to the details, I want to say a few words about the company.

While doing product research, I called JIMCO several times and spoke with Jim who is the company owner and designer of the Portage Trailer. Each time I talked with Jim, he addressed my questions in great detail and was also very objective in helping me decided if his product was right for me. Also, Jim is one of the nicest guys you will ever talk to and was even willing to work with my truncated time schedule due to family vacation.

The trailer arrived TWO days before Jim had promised it would be there, in four boxes from UPS. Packing was excellent. Assembly took a little under two hours (ok, I’m a little slow) but went very smoothly thanks to great directions & illustrations. The first impression was WOW! This thing is engineered to the max. All quality Stainless Steel hardware and components, no junk here!

The first trip was our annual vacation to the Delaware shore with 2 kayaks and a bunch of other vacation type stuff loaded on the trailer. During this time, the trailer was pulled behind our Explorer at speeds of up to 70 mph on the highway and portaged through sand filled bayside parking lots, all with no problems. And it tracked straight as an arrow to boot. It also managed to receive quite a bit of attention from passers by on the highway and from several people around town. Even the guy who runs the local kayak rental concession was favorably impressed with the engineering and functionality.

Since then, I have been on two trips to the Susquehanna River over the famously poor Pennsylvania roadways, and several trips to the local lakes, all with no problems and no worries. I store my boats on the trailer when not in use and use it to portage to the water’s edge. I now have more time to enjoy my sport and no longer have to endure the hassles previously associated with going for a short paddle.

One final word; I was initially somewhat put off at the price of the trailer. However, after seeing the engineering involved and the quality of components, and especially the convenience and time savings that I now enjoy, and also considering the fact that this trailer has solved three problems for me, I now feel the price is quite fair and in fact, a bargain. This is a good product from a good company and I give both my highest recommendation.


My wife and kids have to do…

Submitted by: paddler229747 on 6/18/2002
My wife and kids have to do all loading around our place. They love our new tra. It took some getting used to the motorcycle tires looking at it, some realizing that it is going to move around some empty and be more noisy empty, but I've never used a trailer that I was any more satified with than I am this one. p.s. I've owned a dozen plus trailers.

I have one of the early…

Submitted by: paddler229739 on 6/13/2002
I have one of the early tandem trailers and love it. I took a 1000 mile round trip to coastal South Carolina with gear, sea kayaks, and surf boats following politely behind my Outback on my Portage trailer. To put it mildly the weather sucked, with hard rain all the way down through Georgia. I detoured down some of my secret backroads into 5 different swamps but mostly I was on interstate highways. The trailer was wonderful. At times I would forget I was pulling it. Another thing I really like is being able to unhook the trailer and walk the boats right down to the water. After I finish paddling, my arms and shoulders welcome not having to lift the boat over my head onto a roof rack. There is a decadence here I am liking a lot! I would be happy to answer any questions about my trailer, but you may take this as a whole hearted recommendation of a great tool for boaters.

I’m what they call vertically…

Submitted by: paddler229682 on 5/8/2002
I’m what they call vertically challenged and putting my Viper 11 on my camper top racks has always been an ordeal for me. Then I’d have to repeat the challenge when I got back home. Now my boat stays on my Jimco Portage Trailer and I’m ready to go at the drop of a hat. Coming home is no problem, either; just unhook the trailer – that’s it! It’s great for shuttles, too. Now I can load other people’s boats and gear and carry them wherever. I have never been able to back a trailer of any kind, but that’s not a problem – I just stop my truck, get out, unhook the trailer and push it where I want it to be, then turn the truck around, rehook up the trailer, and I’m off! This takes no time at all! But one of the best features is that the trailer is so light weight that I can move my boat and gear down to the river bank without having to drag or carry the canoe! Sometimes these river banks are a long way’s off. At home, I can move the trailer and boat from place to place, it does not have to have a special parking space. Finally, I get a lot of attention at the put in and take out – everyone wants to know all about my portage trailer.

At age 58 with the usual…

Submitted by: kayak on 4/16/2002
At age 58 with the usual knee, elbow, back, chest, muscle, pulls and sprains and the purchase of a new Voyager van I decided that it is time to stop lifting my kayaks and canoe on the top of my vehicles. Living in Florida I paddle an average of three days a week from the Keys to North Carolina. So trailer shopping I went. In reading reviews I realized I needed a high speed, lightweight trailer that was built to haul light loads. If I put my two kayaks and one canoe on the trailer that is only 120-lbs. total and I often only take one boat. I also paddle in salt water regularly so corrosion is a serious concern. Florida, Alabama and GA do not have the best put-in, take-outs so I need to be able to lift the back end of the trailer when maneuvering. Also total weight is important when dollying up or down a steep boat ramp. I'm not an expert trailer backer upper. In reading the reviews I determined that biting the bullet and spending the extra money was the only acceptable solution. The majority of trailers were too heavy and not made for hauling kayaks/canoes at high speeds while being light enough for me to lift and dolly up and down steep grades. That left the market to two that are similar one in California and the one I purchased, Portage Trailer by Jimco, Inc. is designed and manufactured by Jim who explained to me that he is an active paddler who wanted a trailer to do the things that I discussed above. The trailer comes in a kit form but is basically completed. The instructions are simple to follow and are easier to put together then a ten-speed bike. So I it together and it looks good. Now the proof is in the pudding. Friday I drive up to Goose Pasture in North Florida. The first 180 miles are freeway at 70 mph. The trailer and canoe ride fine. The next 12 miles are dirt forest roads that are typical rutted, washed roads. Lots of bouncing around but the suspension system is designed for this so the boats ride fine. Saturday and Sunday we shuttled through the forest and paddled the Aucilla River. Sunday back home at 70 mph. This trailer worked like a dream come true for me. The other paddlers in the group really smiled because they like the shuttle possibilities, my set up will carry three canoes or five kayaks or some combinations. Oh, one more thing Jim of Jimco, Inc. is just a phone call away. This is a high tech trailer and I do not try to understand the type welding but I'm sure Jim will tell you all about it. Feel free to email me about MY trailer.
429 Too Many Requests

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429 Too Many Requests

429 Too Many Requests
