We launched at the Passaic River Access Point off Columbia Road/South Orange Ave/County Road 510, adjacent to the McCormick Bridge. 13 South Orange Ave., Livingston NJ
Launch point has ample parking. It was a bit muddy along the river's edge, but not bad for a kayak launch point.
We paddled north, downstream, under the bridge. We went just over 2 miles. There were quite a few downed trees and snags, but nothing that we could not easily negotiate our way around. We went past the overhead power lines, but not quite as far as the railroad bridge.
Cedar Hill Country Club's Golf Course was on the eastern bank for part of the trip.
We saw deer, ducks, Great Blue Herron, American Egret, Red Tail Hawk, turtles, as well as a myriad of smaller birds and critters.
Nice easy paddle.