
Name: drygynfly

Most Recent Reviews

I inherited this from my brother after he 'paddled on' to a new realm. It is a great boat! It tracks well, the rudder is actually useful in lakes and ocean, it holds plenty of gear in addition to my own (over)weight, and the cockpit is sized to fit my slightly over wide frame.

I highly recommend this for everything from recreational pond paddling to week long expeditions.
I must say... it looks awful funny sitting atop my tiny Honda Fit...

My first kayak was a twelve footer and I loved every second I was in it! This one is very similar to mine but it has a much higher capacity. A great boat for beginners and up!

I used to have the original boat this was based on (as far as I know). It's a great boat. My wife, who had never been in a kayak, loved it and it sold her on kayaking. It tracks well and is not hard to control in the wind. I recommend it for newbies and pros!